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More UX/UI projects

Explore some more projects I have been part of leading in Product Design, UI/UX, and even Development. See the description below the project to see my role.



Ishita Gupta

Ishita has been advising people making the business changes they need to become more successful. She learned directly from folks like Seth Godin, and is a fountain of knowledge working with her. I made sure to listen more than I would talk. My role was working with her site’s User Experience, which was a demanding and rewarding challenge, as it is to have a multi-faceted UX: 0ne for new visitors and one for returning subscribers. This creates a unique experience and allows for those new subscribers to keep coming back for more. Take off 🚀

Sign up for health and wellness services


BCx by BasiCare PLUS

Leading Design of healthcare web app. We wanted to design an intuitive interface that allows people to get the healthcare they need. The challenge was that not all healthcare problems are an emergency, so why should you have to wait several days if not weeks to get to a doctor’s office to get a genuine concern addressed. Wouldn’t it be more convenient for the patient to get a simple answer from the comfort of their own home? The web app facilitates users to send a message to corresponding members of the healthcare staff.
Made with mobile-first design philosophy. Take off 🚀

Photography Overview



Led Research and Design. Created innovative way the readers of the platform’s articles could easily see and shop the clothing the models are wearing, within the articles. Also, designed back end experience so the writers could easily add and edit the clothing they were advertising, right from where they are writing. Another project included designing a comment system. Allowed for users not needing to sign in if they didn’t want to, encouraging more visitors to leave a comment. Take off 🚀

Book an Appointment Elegant Reign

UI Design & Development

Elegant Reign, Beauty and Health

Leading Design and creation of a beauty and health services booking app in greater Toronto, so that clients could book their next appointment and pay completely online. Booking for services including eyelash-lifting, Russian volume sets, lash tinting, and others. The owner had a specific vision in mind for the functionality, user stories, and workflows, as well as for the user interface. To fulfill expectations we worked on Zoom calls with her showing design changes in real-time, to get the exact vision for some feature changes.  Take off 🚀

History of Dental Center

UI Design

Dental Center

Creating from scratch the User Interface and landing pages for Family Dental Center. The owner had a singular goal: to keep things simple. Tell people who they are, where they are, and an overview of their services, in the easiest and most straightforward way to understand possible. And if that patient is interested, then get them on the phone. Using storyboards to conclude where information architecture would lie, I wireframed the landing pages, then produced this with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Google Maps integrated. Updates to Google My Business. The main finding was showing the office’s contact info to be easy to find for a simple and fast experience. Take off 🚀

Online Library to watch a message before visiting


Triumphant Life Church

The primary goal came from storyboarding and questions coming into the organization coming through phone and email: it was discovered that people mostly wondered what times the services are, and where it is. I led the UI design and development, making the info on the service times and locations easy to locate as the church also had more than one physical location.
Another site’s goal was to serve as a library of audio for people to discover before visiting, as well as for current members.
Finally, was making it clear and easy to navigate to so that one can donate to the cause if they feel inclined. The organization provides support for those in need in Africa.
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VX APPAREL is a streetwear company. I enjoyed working within UI Design and Visual Design. Given the freedom to work with editing some beautiful imagery, it was also inspirational learning from a positive mindset. VXXXV really values creativity, hustle, and a close pulse on culture to bring designs to its consumer base. The level of creativity is inspiring and the contemporary designs were incredible. It was amazing to work with a creative brand.